Christians are nearing the time of Lent, 40 days of repentance and fasting, before the celebration of Easter. I love Easter.
"My Peace is My Gift to you." (Mt 11:28; Pt 5:7; Jn 14:17) 7. Jesus will give you all the graces you need to be happy! "The Lamb on the throne will shepherd them. He will lead them to the springs ...
A new series telling the story of King David, one of the best-known kings of Israel, will be released on Prime Video on Feb.
I moved into an apartment for the first time. Apartment living was new to me. I remember that my neighbor had a German Shepherd named Lucy. Unfortunately, Lucy spent every day on a tiny balcony while ...
Those items are important to me, but I know they are just “treasures on earth” that can burn up in a fire. It’s the times ...
He showed his humanity when He was about to endure great physical suffering, asking God: “My Father ... cell.) Jesus’s sacrificial leadership influenced Kolbe when Jesus the Good Shepherd ...
These folks were “lukewarm – neither hot nor cold.” They didn’t offer strong opposition, but neither did they exhibit a ...
Love is obedient. Explaining what it means to truly love God, Jesus said, “Whoever has My commands and keeps them is the one ...
Even after Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead, the mockery did not stop. At every turn of the Lord's three-year, magical, mystery, Gospel tour, He was hounded, mocked, belittled, made fun of, ...
Death is a door of entry into God’s heaven. Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth and the life." He also said, "I am the ...
Thank you, Cardinal Gregory, for being the man you are, the priest you are, and the bishop you are. We have been blessed by ...
Immigration is a topic that evokes very strong emotions in many people. I write not as an expert on immigration, or from a ...