The Micronesian nation experienced 67 known atmospheric nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958, resulting in an ongoing legacy of death, illness, and contamination.
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
Though not the most well-known atomic blast sites, the Bikini and Enewetak Atolls were victims of 46 bombs dropped by the US between 1946 and 1958. As such, parts of the Marshall Islands in the ...
Massive bombs, including the death-bringing Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb, 1,000 times ... 130 tons of soil from its atomic ...
Family isn't just about blood-it's about standing together through the toughest of times.This is the relationship between ...
Feature - Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior, which helped evacuate people of Rongelap Atoll in 1985, shines a spotlight on the legacy of US nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands, writes Giff Johnson.
The Marshall Islands marked 71 years since ... her people continue to face the impacts of US nuclear weapons testing seven decades after the last bomb was detonated. The Pacific Islands have ...
Once the war ended, the ragged ship “was assigned to serve as a target during the July 1946 atomic bomb tests at Bikini, in the Marshall Islands,” historians say. “That experience left her ...