Co-Diagnostics, Inc.  (the "Company" or "Co-Dx"), a molecular diagnostics company with a unique, patented platform for the development of molecular diagnostic tests, today announced that the Company ...
Design and results mRNA expression of 17 nutrient ... RNA quantity and quality was assessed using a NanoDrop. RT-PCR was performed as previously described.16 Primers (see online supplementary table S1 ...
PCR-Machines are based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and produce copies of genes exponentially. The PCR cycling reactions are carried out in an automated thermocycler, which is capable of ...
Zhang Liye Laboratory researchers have created a new tool that will change the way researchers design primers for pathogen detection.
Researchers from the Zhang Liye Laboratory have developed a groundbreaking tool that revolutionizes the way researchers design primers for detecting pathogens. This new pipeline, which scans entire ...
Furthermore, the potential of CRISPR/Cas has been demonstrated in multiplex detection by integration with microfluidics ... such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and thermal-independent ...
Primer3-py also includes bindings for the Primer3 primer design engine if you'd prefer to use an established pipeline. The IO parameters mirror those of the original Primer3. **Please note that while ...