In Nepal's iconic world heritage site Kathmandu Valley, the Nine-Storeyed Basantapur Palace complex that once lay in ruins ...
Shortly after dawn, more than 200 monks from an order of Tibetan exiles carry carefully bundled scriptures and 108 gold-gilt ...
Researchers are exploring new technologies for short-term earthquake forecasting and prediction - the application of the LAIC approach ...
In a region where water is increasingly becoming a zero-sum game, Modi’s proactive, strategic water diplomacy offers a ...
Experience India in its purest form and transform your perspective through the lens of Dimpy Bhalotia, an award-winning ...
Nalanda contributed to the development and evolution of two major Mahayana Buddhist philosophies — Madhyamaka and Yogacara, Abhay K writes in his book, 'Nalanda: How it Changed the World'. Excerpts: ...
In this week's It’s Debatable, Rosen and Moster debate if the possible threat by the Trump administration to ignore judicial decisions is a threat to democracy.
He added that not only Uttar Pradesh but also large populations from Nepal, Bhutan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand rely on UP for their needs.
Weather has always fascinated humans. It’s one of those things that’s both predictable and unpredictable, which makes it ...
Recovered from an ancient shipwreck off the coast of Antikythera, this bronze device is considered one of the most advanced ...
The Limbu community’s six-year battle against the 3 billion Nepali rupee (US$21.8 million) Pathibhara cable car project, ...