While the commentaries analyze each miracle on its own, the overall thrust of the presentation seems to be that G-d showed an added level of care for the continual functioning of the Temple.
President Donald Trump’s new administration is looking ahead to key Senate hearings this week for three of his most ...
National Spouses Day falls on Sunday, Jan. 26. The annual holiday is set aside to encourage spouses and significant others to ...
Each zodiac sign's monthly tarot horoscope has predictions and advice for February 2025. February is typically associated ...
Support for Anthony Albanese's government appears to be draining rapidly if the latest polling is to be believed, and Donald ...
BC, an unknown – but clearly disgruntled – schemer from the Greek city of Antioch had a curse tablet made. Inscribed on a ...
When devising the executive branch of government in 1789 the founding fathers of the American constitution were anxious to avoid creating an all-powerful monarch like the English king from whom they ...
Bears as chairs, sticks as fingers, aliens as body suits. In Belgian designer Walter Van Beirendonck’s world, fashion is ...
B eing Black in America is an honor and a privilege. Black people in this country have endured and overcome so much while simultaneously contributing to every aspect of America’ ...
Wang Yi and Marco Rubio, the respective top diplomats of China and the U.S., held their first phone call on Friday, January ...
THE symptoms of late-stage cervical cancer - pelvic pain, foul-smelling bloody discharge, frequent vomiting and bloating, are ...