We were looking for poetry that had struck its readers, for whatever reasons, as unforgettable, enduring, and influential: ...
It’s impossible for me to talk about writing without talking about living, writes Maggie Smith, author of the new book, "Dear ...
As people across the globe celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21, we delve into the world of poetry in ancient Greece, from ...
Poet and author Charles Ghigna shares the story of a poem he wrote after waking up to his infant son's babbling over a nursery monitor.
Boston-based writer Porsha Olayiwola is the spring artist-in-residence for Michigan State University’s Womxn of Color ...
Angela Knight, library media specialist at Harrison Elementary, wrote the forward for the new book. She was also awarded SPS ...
The 19th-century English poet was a "prolific reviser" who tested out many variations of his work before publication. A new ...
From social media to AI, new technologies have changed the way that we produce and consume poetry. For World Poetry Day, we ...
Poetry Month is often the time we remember to teach and read poems with kids and help our children write poetry. But you can ...