Relembre 12 jogos que foram inspirados por Grand Theft Auto e que todo fã da franquia da Rockstar Games vai amar conhecer ...
Multi-disc games were a strange kind of flex on the Xbox 360. On the one hand, it was a badge of honor — a quiet way of saying, “Yeah, this one’s too big for just one disc.” On the other ...
Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six different and classic PS3 and Xbox 360 games are currently available for free. And some of these PS3 and Xbox 360 games are the best of ...
New static recompilation tools have made native PC ports of Xbox 360 games a reality. The first native fan port is Sonic Unleashed, although you need to provide game files. Inspired by the N64 ...
A classic PS3 and Xbox 360 game, plus its sequel, are available for dirt cheap for roughly the next 24 hours. The series in question debuted back in 2005, a year defined by releases such as Guitar ...
A reader calls for one of the more forgotten aspects of the Xbox 360 era to be brought back, and help gamers get a better idea of what a game’s like before they buy it. I don’t think there’s ...
After 17 years, Sonic Unleashed finally has a native PC port, and it's been developed with a tool that could potentially help give the same treatment to any Xbox 360 game. With that, the door to ...
This innovative project, inspired by N64: Recompiled, aims to bring Xbox 360 games to a broader audience by making them accessible on various platforms. XenonRecomp is designed to convert Xbox 360 ...
Even better, those forgotten X360 exclusives. Well, that could soon be possible. Over on GitHub, creator hedge-dev has released a tool for recompiling Xbox 360 games into native PC ports. XenonRecomp, ...