Eight Places You Need to Visit and Understand Chicago’s Black Freedom Struggle   Go to Montgomery, Alabama today and markers ...
A new YouGov poll asked the US public which historical figures they want to see on their currency. Here were the most and ...
T: My name is Jack Callahan. I am a 14-year-old, white, American boy, and I believe that no matter who you are, where you are ...
Segregation is illegal in the US. But President Trump's administration is removing anything that benefits people of specific ...
While working on the lower register of her voice with New York City singer Paul Reese, who first turned her toward folk music. By the 1930s and ’40s, the genre was driven by Peter Seeger and the ...
Gray recalled the last time he spoke to longtime friend U.S. Rep. John Lewis about a week before Lewis' death. Lewis was ...
Many have heard a simplified version of the Rosa Parks story, as an isolated incident in ... the leadership formed the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA). They chose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ...
The National Civil Rights Museum at The Lorraine Motel will honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with with it's annual event ...
The request, which comes on the heels of an executive order by President Trump, represents a sharp reversal for the F.B.I.
Such nostalgia can include favorable feelings for three Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices who, over the course of ...
The US attorney in Washington, DC, arguing the public needs to know the “truth” about the assassination of Martin Luther King ...