It was very difficult to keep going when all our efforts seemed in vain,” Rosa Parks described her work in the 1940s and ...
Martin Luther King Jr (left) discusses the Montgomery bus boycott with other ... even when there is little sign that it will do any good — that does. This is not the Hollywood-movie version of courage ...
Rosa Louise ... segregated bus in Montgomery, Ala. The 381-day city bus boycott that followed launched similar nonviolent protests and demonstrations throughout the United States. Parks stood ...
There, when a woman called Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, a bus journey became very important. Rosa's refusal was a protest about racism against black people. Racism is when someone ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Parks and Recreation wants to fill more than 400 jobs for the summer, and applicants could earn a sign-on bonus. Indy Parks is looking for lifeguards, pool managers, camp ...
After criticism from lawmakers, the Montgomery Bus Station has been removed from a list of government properties for sale.
A witness said police pulled the bus over in Cook St in the CBD. Sign up to The Daily H, a free newsletter curated by our editors and delivered straight to your inbox every weekday.
NEW YORK — Monday, Jan. 20, commemorates the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. This year, the holiday coincides with President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, though the majority ...