POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and shows up through symptoms like a rapid heart rate after ...
When I meet a patient with a complicated medical history, I often start by asking when they were last perfectly well. Darcie ...
Mercedes Valentine is still facing memory loss after she sustained a traumatic brain injury in her motorcycle accident this ...
In running the Boston Marathon this year, Dr. Michael Holick aims to honor two women who died from a genetic tissue disorder.
Peripheral aneurysms and artery disorders: These conditions—including fibromuscular dysplasia and vascular Ehlers-Danlos ...
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)a condition affecting arteries, veins and the lymphatic systems throughout the bodyhas ...
Mercedes Valentine shares her heartbreaking story after a motorbike crash caused by a pigeon, leaving her with life-changing injuries and memory loss.
The crash took a toll on Valentine's mental health, causing memory loss that erased her recollections of the month leading up ...
The androgen deprivation therapy and radiation therapy caused anemia and left me with no testosterone, resulting in muscle weakness, severe ... hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), at ...
MALS causes severe abdominal pain and nausea that ... "I love to exercise, but it's so rough with dysautonomia and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome," she said. "POTS ruins my videos halfway through, and ...
Mercedes Valentine, 25, from Brighton, East Sussex, spent her childhood riding motorbikes with her dad and bought her own as ...