Utilizing the power of social media and the latest forms of technology, So This Is Love Socials mission is to capture all the memorable moments at a wedding and turn the ...
A fitting title for a track on a double album, the rousing rocker “Two Hearts” appears on Springsteen’s 1980 epic “The River” and has since become a live staple. “I believe in the end that two hearts ...
Acclaimed photographer Joel Meyerowitz and artist Maggie Barrett have been in a creatively rich relationship for 30 years.
Fans of weather presenter Judith Ralston have called for her to be made a permanent newsreader after she briefly stepped into the role.
Bellincampi’s carefully measured pacing and finessed palette made Ehnes’ imposing entrance all the more so, the radiance of his eloquent lines set against a truly Brahmsian orchestral glow.
Her duet with Dan Domenech in Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors was fun as she gave her best Ellen Greene impression. However, it was the high notes in Let It Go from Frozen that had ...
AMFS President and CEO Alan Fletcher explains: “Kandinsky is not interested in organized religion so much as what is called, in a beautiful word, the ‘numinous' – experiences and artworks ...
"I'm so glad we had this time together / Just to ... Show to celebrate her 90th birthday — and perform a heartwarming duet version of her iconic The Carol Burnett Show sign-off song "So Long ...
To the chorus of surprise that this is the first official duet between the country superstars, McEntire tells Rolling Stone: “Isn’t that amazing? Here we are, so far along in our careers [and ...
Emory Widman is a rising star in Citrus County who wants to go far with his music ability. He is a young man at only 17 years old, but has always loved music and the sound of the violin.