Quiénes fueron las Sin Sombrero? ¿Cuál es el papel de la mujer en el Museo ... no podéis acudir este finde Última oportunidad ...
En 2019, por ejemplo, sus herederos lucieron las vestimentas referidas a Harry Potter durante los festejos de Carnaval y ese mismo año mostró al segundo de sus hijos jugando con el famoso “sombrero ...
Michael Gambon (1940-2023) Tras la muerte de Richard Harris, el actor angloirlandés asumió el rol de Dumbledore durante las siguientes cinco películas de la saga, de 'Harry Potter y el ...
I've read all of the Harry Potter books multiple times over and they are always just as good as I remember, even after all these years. However, it is always fun to experience the story in a new way.
Harry Potter has at long last arrived in Los Angeles, and he’s brought his wife and son along for the ride. A family man with a high-level ministerial job, he largely cedes the stage to the ...
It seems John Lithgow spilled the (Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor) beans about his involvement in HBO’s upcoming “Harry Potter” series. The Oscar-nominated “Terms of Endearment” actor ...
With the Harry Potter TV series starting filming in the summer of 2025, has the highly-anticipated show been cast yet? Here's what we know so far about who will play Harry, Ron, Hermione ...
In an interview with Screen Rant, the prolific actor confirmed that he will be playing Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore in HBO’s Harry Potter television series. “It came as a total ...
Warner Bros. Discovery‘s Harry Potter television series is set to begin filming this summer. They have found a costume designer in Holly Waddington, who recently won an Oscar in her craft for ...