While the concept lost some of its relevance at the end of the Cold War, it is back in the spotlight with the return of ...
Establishing spheres of influence involves a dominant power abridging the sovereignty of geographically proximate states—as Trump is seeking to do with Canada, Greenland, and Mexico and as China is ...
UNDER President Donald Trump, the US is defecting from its decades-long position as an “open door” in preference for a global order that embraces spheres of influence ... up of China by European ...
emphasizes political scientist Ulrich M. Schmid in Switzerland’s Neue Zürcher Zeitung: King Donald and Tsar Vladimir are enjoying a precarious romance. Both think in terms of spheres of influence. For ...
He is a Trustee and Honorary Treasurer of the Political Studies Association ... view of the world in which great powers carve out spheres of influence in which they do not interfere.
And will Trump’s love for authoritarian strong men embolden China’s Xi Jinping to flex ... dominate and carve up the world into spheres of influence and economic dependencies.
offers a compelling framework for a stable multipolar world that amplifies the voices of smaller and developing nations while resisting the re-establishment of exploitative spheres of influence.
(Illustration by Thomas Fluharty) Over time, the postwar Western power centers produced a fundamental transformation in outlook and civic influence ... carving China into competing spheres ...
In Mr. Trump’s view, European officials fear, the United States, Russia and China will instead look after their own spheres of influence ... at the Conservative Political Action Conference ...