The $1 billion first year cost could grow to more than $8 billion over the two-year period up in 2029 as more and more ...
In a letter, Sens. Brandon Creighton and Paul Bettencourt said they found “numerous” violations of the law, but didn’t ...
The Texas Senate unanimously passed a bill Wednesday that would invest $4.3 billion over two years in teacher pay increases ...
The senators' letter to Texas boards of regents comes after requests to restore $400 million in universities funds that are ...
Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, the author of SB 26 ... In 2024, the average pay for Texas teachers was $62,500, with those in ...
Under Senate Bill 26, public school teachers would be guaranteed raises in their third and fifth years in the classroom. Educators in smaller school districts would receive the largest pay bumps.
The Senate Education committee left all 11 bills it considered on Thursday pending in committee and did not vote to advance any to the Senate floor.
Neither of the Legislature’s voucher bills require private schools to accept certain students, which some warn could block ...
A Texas Parental Bill of Rights measure has been filed in the Texas Senate. It’s part of a series of education bills filed by ...
The Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen ...
Bills before a Senate education committee would eliminate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs in public K-12 schools and ...
Brandon Creighton and Paul Bettencourt put university ... prove they're following the "letter and spirit" of the law. Texas university systems are required to submit reports asserting their ...