Very warm temperatures and mostly sunny skies today with highs in the 70s near the Coastal Bend to around 100 in the west.
A dozen Texas House Republicans who replaced pro-gambling lawmakers said this week they would oppose “any attempt to expand ...
A Texas oil company’s plan to restart oil production on the Gaviota Coast is under scrutiny from federal lawmakers. On Monday, ...
“Sheep and goats both have fairly seasonal breeding patterns, most breed in the fall and give birth in the spring, leading to ...
Plano City Council member and GOP chair Shelby Williams said Wednesday that he will resign from his council post to run for a ...
West Jacksonville Water Supply has rescinded a boil water notice that was originally issued on Monday due to a line break.
SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) - A man that has been wanted for almost eight years is finally in custody. Shreveport police responded to a shooting on Line Avenue on April 27, 2017. Randy Taylor, 29, was ...
FMCSA has extended a regional emergency declaration allowing more flexible hours of service rules for drivers hauling live ...
Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus that’s airborne and spreads easily when an infected person breathes, sneezes ...
The author of the bill, State Senator Robert Nichols, presented SB 1121, which looks to waive some requirements for fiber ...
SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) - A man that has been wanted for almost eight years is finally in custody. Shreveport police responded to a shooting on Line Avenue on April 27, 2017. Randy Taylor, 29, was ...
Former White Oak Lady Roughneck Morgan Benge picked up her fourth win of the year in Texas A&M-Texarkana’s 18-3 win over ...