Trump’s actions are an attempt to tilt the scales of justice by using the raw power of government coercion—and they’re ...
NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch on Tuesday railed against the “broken criminal justice system’’ at a memorial Mass marking ...
Retired Supreme Court senior associate justice Antonio Carpio had an interesting introspection about our country’s criminal justice system.
By embracing automated record clearing, we recognize that everyone has the potential for change and the government shouldn’t ...
Facing recurrent cycles of terror-violence in a “state of nature,” [1] Israel must defend itself in both law [2] and strategy ...
But First Step Act supporters portray the reforms as a delicate balance between fairness and public safety. R Street Institute Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties fellow Lisel Petis said people came ...
For all intents and purposes, our government virtually entrusted the Philippine justice system to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague when it “surrendered” former president Rodrigo ...
Washington Senate Democrats are proposing new taxes on the wealthy to combat a projected $13 billion budget deficit.
These fundamental rights and principles are the backbone of America—tampering with them could change everything.