Euclid, a European space telescope, just captured 26 million galaxies to reveal the secrets of the dark universe.
The new findings come from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which sits on a telescope at the Kitt Peak ...
Suppose humanity was faced with an extinction-level event. Not just high odds, but certain-sure. A nearby supernova will ...
We are the Universe trying to understand itself. How, and why, did we come to be? Why does the Universe take the shape it ...
Scientists are homing in on the nature of a mysterious force called dark energy, and nothing short of the fate of the ...
Who am I?’ The most intriguing question that confronts each one of us. This is perhaps the greatest riddle that springs up ...
One of the Holy Grails in cosmology is a look back at the earliest epochs of cosmic history. Unfortunately, the universe's ...
A project to map galaxies across the universe may have spied cracks in the foundation of our understanding of the cosmos.
Researchers at the University of Innsbruck are working intensively on preparations for the Euclid mission of the European ...