Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909 ... Barack Obama (2009–2017) 6. “Tell the truth, work hard and come to dinner on time.” —Gerald R. Ford (1974–1977) 7. “No person was ever honored ...
One of the most common habits of people who are broke but pretend to be successful is living beyond their means. They often ...
Kindness is the best virtue an individual can have, and one act of kindness can spark a thousand more! It’s one of those rare things that costs nothing but actually has the power to change everything.
For such times, we have a few success quotes to share with you ... "Believe you can and you’re halfway there." – Theodore Roosevelt 24. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as ...
Share Leadership is more about facing challenges and with challenges, come opportunities. As leaders, politicians in particular holding elective offices are required to tackle challenges squarely and ...
The Forum talked to a Theodore Roosevelt National Park ranger, a civil engineer who moved from Moorhead to Florida to help rebuild wildlife refuges and a HUD specialist who protected housing rights.
Nineteen-twelve was when Theodore Roosevelt came out for women's suffrage and became the great champion of women's rights. And I think one of the least understood, but more important aspects ...
Non-work-related morning activities ... you’re probably doing it wrong.” — Ted Lasso Another is a Theodore Roosevelt quote.