In the most recent episode of the hit HBO show The White Lotus, Jason Isaacs ‘ character Timothy Ratliff wears a T-shirt with ...
Federal leaders looked to Ralph Baric to end the pandemic. Their critics blamed it on him. Now, the White House wants to slash his funding.
North Carolina’s own Cheerwine holds a place of honor, its cherry-flavored goodness a point of local pride. But you’ll also find small-batch root beers, ginger ales that actually contain real ginger, ...
There it stands in downtown Lexington, with its red and white striped awning beckoning like a lighthouse for the sweet-toothed sailor: The Candy Factory, where calories don’t count and diet ...
Fermented dairy products and probiotics may support bone health by enhancing calcium absorption, modulating inflammation, and influencing bone remodeling, though human studies show mixed results.
At HIC, we believe in the power of Health Data Research to shape positive and meaningful changes in health care outcomes for us all. Established over 15 years ago, we have built up a wealth of ...
The Grey's Anatomy cast are beloved by their fans, but what many people may not know is that some of the main group suffered health issues during their time on the show. Everyone loves the medical ...
The Scottish Health Secretary is set to visit Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin to discuss various challenges facing the facility. Neil Gray has accepted an invitation from local MSP Richard Lochhead to ...
“Where connections are made, people are informed, and the masses are entertained,” is the phrase that has remained the motto of Historically Black at UNC since the organization's first ...
Ahead of 2025, experts predicted health systems would collaborate to expand their reach and share overhead costs. “We have a shared vision for what healthcare can look like, and our ...
This panel discussed the systemic barriers that prevent many Black Americans from getting the medical care they need. The panelists discussed health disparities, AI-driven accessibility, and ...
This Black History Month, I came to a startling realization: UNC has realized a post-race America. Our liberal University has accomplished the grand ideal of color blindness, and I didn’t even ...