Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
The Colorado Basin Roundtable is a group of stakeholders who work together to protect the Colorado River Basin. According to ...
The city extended the area where erosion reviews for new development along the sensitive riverbank must take place.
At the start of March, the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center reported that snow levels above Lake Powell were 87% of the ...
Freshman Representative Jeff Hurd (R-Colo.) is sponsoring a bill that would require Bureau of Land Management field offices ...
President Donald Trump’s first month in office has worried federal and state officials alike tasked with overseeing the West’s all ... Glen Canyon on the Colorado River — is facing as ...
(KJCT) -The future of the Colorado River Basin was the hot topic for several ... “We’re set in pretty good shape but we see other areas to the west and also further west, we see that it ...