The study demonstrated that when water moves ... window or a car windscreen in a haphazard way but would be unaware that it generates a tiny bit of electrical charge,” Dr Sherrell said. “In this work, ...
Scientists at the University of Michigan are developing ammonia as a zero-carbon fuel for vehicles, power plants. This ...
The premium features you find on cars these days all tend to fall within a fairly narrow definition of practical luxury, but ...
While some of Chrysler's concept cars made it to the mainstream, or at least influenced other popular designs, these models ...
As Zeldin's EPA announced reconsideration of these standards, it released a statement saying, the regulations imposed, "$700 ...
When scientists found a carcinogen in Santa Rosa's drinking water after the Tubbs fire, it triggered a race to develop ...
Our lives rely on systems. Flush the toilet, the sewage system takes it away. Flip an electrical switch, the lights turn on.
No regulations bar the use of electronic car door handles, and they continue to to be a much-touted feature of some EVs. But ...
A pilot project shows that the noxious wastewater treatment byproduct could be broken down into animal feed and automotive ...
The odometer shows 1,357 miles, and the car was missing in action between 1970 and 2014; since 2016, it has been brought out in public only two other times ...