Is £32,000 too much for a logo? Or is it value for money ... Finally, whether or not Knaresborough gets a land train remains in the balance. Those who were hoping to ride down Waterside on a train may ...
Metal Gear Survive takes the series in a different direction, focusing on survival and hordes of monsters. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a bizarre, action-packed sequel loved for its unique ...
These other things could include putting away gear, checking other things on the vehicle, enjoying a cool refresher or swapping stories about the drive you just had… or about to embark on. Wanting to ...
Konami has revealed the PC requirements for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. The game's Steam page has been updated to include the system requirements, ahead of its release on 28th August.
Something to look forward to: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, an honorable mention for the Most Anticipated PC Games of 2025, launches on August 28. Konami quietly published the basic PC ...