Their risk of getting it increases with each decade after 40, and their overall lifetime risk is more than 90%.
The clinic, located on the ground floor of the N.C. Children’s Hospital on Manning Drive in Chapel Hill, officially opens ...
UNC Down Syndrome Clinic in Chapel Hill is for children and adults. The clinic provides access to critical care that people ...
The brain of a US woman with Down syndrome showed the classic signs of Alzheimer’s disease upon her death, yet she remained ...
Leah Spring's fifth child was born with Down Syndrome, and as she dove into the community, she and her husband learned about ...
Families in Western New York are jumping over hurdles to get healthcare. Most people living with Down syndrome get covered by ...
Ulster University in partnership with the Department for Paediatric Cardiology, Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children has ...
The UNC Down Syndrome Clinic marks a significant expansion of care options for people with Down syndrome. Spearheaded by a ...
It’s that time again! World Down Syndrome Day will be celebrated on Monday, March 21st! Why that day? Because 3/21 symbolizes ...
A new research project focusing on the wellbeing and development of people with Down Syndrome was launched today by doctors, ...
for the opening of UNC Health’s new Down Syndrome Clinic in Chapel Hill. The clinic serves children and adults with developmental disabilities. She credits pediatrician Kate Westmoreland with ...