President Donald Trump on Friday called on his supporters to vote for a candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court who already had the full-throated backing of Trump’s ...
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Early Voting for the April 1 elections is scheduled to begin a week from Thursday, March 20. There’s ...
Pittsburg County Election Board Secretary Tonya Barnes said sample ballots are available on the State Election Board’s OK Voter Portal after a delay and offers this information about the upcoming ...
Linda Humphreys was asleep sheltered in her shed when high winds from the tornado blew her and the shed off its foundation ...
Oklahoma’s legislature is not quite halfway through session, but key deadlines have narrowed lawmakers’ focus.
The bill would limit the number of signatures from high-population areas and would require anyone collecting signatures to be ...
An Oklahoma bill to place new regulations on citizen-led policymaking has passed the state Senate. Senate Bill 1027 would ...
Early voting begins Thursday, March 27, for voters in Alfalfa County. Voters who will not be able to make it to the polls on Election Day, have the option of voting early at their county election ...
Gov. Kevin Stitt will choose a replacement for former Justice Yvonne Kauger, whom voters opted not to retain in November.
The Oklahoma Board of Education has passed new curriculum standards that require educators to teach that the 2020 ...
The Oklahoma Ethics Commission released a settlement agreement with State Superintendent Ryan Walters after an investigation ...
The Ethics Commission said in a settlement agreement that there is no evidence Walters knowingly intended to violate any ...