The wreckage of a SATA Caravelle 10R, registration HB-ICK, which on Dec 18 1977 landed unintentionally in the water while on the base leg to runway 06 at Funchal/Madeira (Portugal), has been located ...
Three domestic flights of German carrier Germanwings departing Berlin Schoenefeld (Germany) were airborne when cabin crew noticed the water on board was contaminated with fuel. As a result, no coffee ...
A large fire destroyed Krasnojarsk Cheremshanka Airport's (Russia) terminal building and caused its air traffic control tower to collapse, the Russian Emergency Ministry (MCHS), West Siberia's ...
The FAA have released their Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 10017 reporting the risks, that are involved while carrying lithium batteries in aircraft cargo. The FAA reports, that lithium metal ...
The FAA have issued Airworthiness Directive AD-2019-20-02 requiring repetitive inspections of the so called "pickle forks", a suspension system for wing-fuselage mounts, for all The Boeing Company ...
Australian Media at the current are breaking headlines of a "Near Miss" at Melbourne Airport after a passenger video surfaced showing an occurrence, investigated by the Australian TSB, in which two ...