If we also take into account a situation such as a pandemic, it seems that the layout of a flexible classroom is more ...
So, for Professor Borst, the issue of attention in the classroom reveals that for children who are struggling (without a ...
Our brains love stories. Firstly, because it's been fed them since childhood, and secondly, because they enable us to better ...
Fixing one's attention on phenomena such as the light of the moon, the crash of the waves or the beat of the heart is a ...
The BLAST test (Bron/Lyon Attention Stability Test) was developed at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (Inserm CNRS) to ...
In an increasingly noisy world, keeping our attention on the essentials is no easy task. By relearning to be silent, and by ...
Social networks, designed to hold our students' attention via algorithms. They reduce our ability to concentrate, affecting ...
With the possible exception of screenshots, there are no perfect game mechanics for evaluation and feedback. Some are more ...
If paying attention brings satisfaction, it's obvious that we're going to be interested in what's on offer. What remains is to estimate the degree of satisfaction obtained in relation to the effort ...
Inscrivez-vous et recevez nos infolettres en pédagogie et technologies éducatives Dédié à la promotion de l'apprentissage sous toutes ses formes, Thot Cursus est en ligne depuis 1996. Nous traitons de ...
Les mock-ups sont devenus incontournables pour visualiser et présenter des concepts de design de manière réaliste. Avec l'évolution des outils numériques, Adobe Firefly propose une approche innovante ...
Poussé à l’échelle de YouTube et de TikTok, ce zapping contextuel continu et la saturation de notre satisfaction provoque des ...