The administration's promise to go after protestors for their social media posts is an extraordinary assertion of executive power.
Citizen initiatives, even popular ones, are exceedingly hard to pass in Florida. This legislative term, coming off an election in which abortion rights and marijuana decriminalization initiatives came ...
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 are among the most reviled laws in our national history. They criminalized dissent, ...
The president’s justification for using an 18th-century law to deport immigrants is a flimsy pretext. You’re read­ing The Brief­ing, Michael Wald­­­­­man’s weekly news­­­­­­­­­let­ter. Receive it in ...
La administración Trump usó una de las leyes más infames de la historia para deportar a 137 personas por motivos inconstitucionales. Permitir que un presidente detenga y deporte a cualquiera sin una ...