Disney+ has released the first photos from Quay Street Production’s new thriller, The Stolen Girl. The show previously went ...
"We need to behave respectfully, leave any egos at the door, abide by their rules," writes Don McGrath, co-founder at ...
Railway arches in the centre of Manchester are being turned over to artists and creative freelancers to showcase their work.
Since leaving Bruntwood SciTech last year, Hetherington has acted as an innovation consultant working across the health, tech ...
Wondrwall has unveiled a line-up of, what it’s calling, “game-changing” AI-powered home energy storage products. The ...
Autotrader and Manchester Digital have launched the first ever Digital and Technology Carbon Literacy Toolkit.
Victorian Plumbing has signed Peter Crouch to become its “ultimate bathroom tactician.” It’s the latest iteration of its Boss ...
As the new series of Dragons' Den is well underway, North East entrepreneur Sara Davies is already making headlines on the hit BBC One show.
Lights, cameras, premieres! The Manchester Film Festival is back this March, bringing an unmissable lineup of 37 films debuting in the city, including 15 UK premieres and 4 world premieres. From Steve ...
Opening proceedings in March will be The Penguin Lessons, directed by Peter Cattaneo and starring Steve Coogan. Based on the best-selling memoir, it tells the story of a man’s personal and political ...
Wolfenden has won a competitive pitch process to work with bamboo bedding and mattress retailer, Panda London.
Eleanor Stubbs, a former performance lead at Boohoo and Beauty Bay has joined Notorious Communications. She becomes the Manchester media agency’s first Head of Performance Notoriety. Moving from OLIO, ...