In a groundbreaking study on the synthesis of cellulose -- a major constituent of all plant cell walls -- a team has captured images of the microscopic process of cell-wall building continuously over ...
In a groundbreaking study on the synthesis of cellulose—a major constituent of all plant cell walls—a team of Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers have captured images of the microscopic ...
Plants shape Earth’s atmosphere by moving carbon and water vapour. New research sheds light on how they learned to do it – ...
In a groundbreaking study on the synthesis of cellulose – a major constituent of all plant cell walls – a team of Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers has captured images of the microscopic ...
Scientists at Goethe University uncover how the oldest enzyme in cellular respiration functions – opening the door to ...
A team of scientists have elucidated an ancient mechanism of cellular respiration. To that end, they studied bacteria that feed on the gases carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and turn them into acetic acid ...
A SINGLE piece of chewing gum releases thousands of toxic microplastics into your mouth to be swallowed, scientists have ...
The researchers' analysis revealed that the lion's share of the microplastics were released from the gum in the first two ...
Plastic is everywhere. And many products we use in everyday life can expose people to tiny, micrometer-wide plastic particles ...
A new part of an ocean plant cell has been discovered that might revolutionize farming one day. The structure can take ...