S.C. Department of Natural Resources sank 180-foot barge in Atlantic Ocean off Hilton Head Island, adding to artificial reef network the state started in 1970s.
A legendary blue marlin hotspot where ocean currents collide, creating the ultimate sport-fishing playground The post Royal ...
At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
A new study has used 30 years of data to find areas with the highest potential for generating energy from ocean currents ...
Until now, a global evaluation of ocean current energy with actual data was lacking. Using 30 years of NOAA's Global Drifter ...
As global electricity demand grows, traditional energy sources are under strain. Oceans, which cover more than 70% of Earth's ...
Ever wondered how much of our vast, mysterious oceans we’ve uncovered? Spoiler alert: not nearly as much as you’d think!
Born on July 30, 1920, geologist and cartographer Tharp changed scientific thinking about what lay at the bottom of the ocean – not a featureless flat, but rugged and varied terrain.
Wirewalker deploy: this is a collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool. Wirewalker is a package of instruments that uses wave ...
The ocean current known as the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), which gives Ireland a benign climate, may be able to withstand future global warming and avoid collapse this ...