Green space in Maryland saw a significant boost with millions of dollars allocated for land conservation in Baltimore City and several neighboring counties. The state’s Board of Public Works approved ...
The Bush declaration was signed March 22, 1775 when 34 elected Harford County citizens gathered in a small tavern to show ...
Andrew Britt, who is accused of shooting and injuring a County police officer in a precinct parking lot in Catonsville on ...
Part of southeast Baltimore's iconic Bethlehem Steel site has now been transformed into a 22-acre waterfront park.
Maryland’s Open Meetings Compliance Board says the Baltimore County Council did not violate the Open Meetings Act.
Baltimore County police are investigating reports of shots fired Monday at a shopping center near schools. County police said officers were called around 12:25 p.m. to the 9700 block of Groffs ...
Baltimore County's school board approved a $2.98 billion operating budget request, which is drawing contention from county leaders. With a historic budget deficit for Maryland ongoing, Baltimore ...
Every four years, Baltimore County undergoes a process called the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process. Developers ... then-chair Izzy Patoka pushed through new political boundaries. The council then ...
Kathy Klausmeier has said ‘we just have to say no’ to the school system’s $2.98 billion budget In a 9-3 vote, Baltimore County’s school board approved Superintendent Myriam Rogers’ $2.98 billion ...
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools plans to release the first round of proposed new residential school boundary maps for community review. WS/FCS residential school boundaries have remained ...
Photo by John Lee/WYPR. Baltimore County is on the cusp of generational political change. But to get there, it needs a council district map that adds two seats to the seven-member council. There are ...