On the r/loseit subreddit, one user shared how they recently realized they're drinking around 300 calories a day, just ...
Every fitness influencer will always tell you it begins in the kitchen, getting in a caloric deficit and stuff. I recently just got my body comp tested ... GQ has inspired men to look sharper ...
One of the most common operations offered to indigent communities across the country is free cataract surgery provided by a ...
A doctor had recently given her the green light to resume lower body exercises following surgery ... “We have a really good men’s wheelchair division, they do really well, but we are just ...
“Diet and fitness apps are marketed as tools to improve health, however, they may also have unintended negative consequences, such as creating pressure to meet goals, concerns about body image ...
THE HARDEST PART of any fitness journey is getting started. The second hardest part: sticking with it. It’s in this second phase that you can’t help but doubt yourself, as you struggle to find ...
Like everything else, body grooming trends come and go. Just look at the wild, hairy 1970s or the Ken doll slick early noughties if you don’t believe me. Right now, we are living in what I would ...
Maple sugaring season has begun in Michigan, offering residents a chance to see how sap is harvested and turned into syrup. Michigan ranks fifth in the nation for maple syrup production ...
Created by the trailblazing founder who brought us Lume Whole Body Deodorant, OB/GYN resident Dr. Shannon Klingman, has also developed a new formula for men. Mando is based on the same acidified ...
It takes 40 gallons of tree sap to create one gallon of maple syrup. The formula might come from science, but the result is pure magic, especially to Vermonters, who’ve been tapping and sugaring ...