At some point, when Mark Patinkin accepts that coins – like flip phones – are no longer relevant, he’ll hit a bank to trade in his change for paper money. The truth is, it’s not just pennies that are ...
Private and public agents’ plans and actions to introduce digital currencies and other innovative payment instruments could produce some unintended consequences, including the potential disappearance ...
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — While the BRICS group has the economic size and population to have a global influence, it will take time given the group’s newness and geographical and geopolitical ...
The euro shows both the promises and pitfalls of unified currency systems. Economic sovereignty remains a key barrier to ...
Recently, we have seen a frenzy of conversations about BRICS, its expansion and what it means for new participating countries ...
Addis Ababa, February 27, 2025 (ENA)- BRICS Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas meeting concluded with a high-level session presided by Lula da Silva, President of Brazil. President Lula outlined Brazil’s ...
In the past 25 years the price of gold has increased 10-fold, with its rise passing key marker points in periods of financial ...
The BRICS nations, originally composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, have had many discussions about ...