Airport protests stymied the 2017 Muslim ban. As Trump’s administration targets even more people, we need a repeat.
The new legislation would require American citizens to produce documents like a passport or birth certificate to register to ...
Recent action from the Trump administration has some fearing the women’s sports movement is being boxed out. Gains made as a ...
"Ed was not only a ferocious fighter for the civil rights of disadvantaged workers but he was a generous soul—a compelling ...
The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel will present a commemoration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy on Friday, April 4, the 57th anniversary of his death with ...
While many consider the birth of the civil rights movement to be 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on an ...
Medgar Evers — who served with the U.S. Army in World War II before coming home to fight segregation in the civil rights ...
It was very difficult to keep going when all our efforts seemed in vain,” Rosa Parks described her work in the 1940s and ...
Mark Zuckerberg’s decision may have potentially devastating consequences for the safety of marginalized communities.
Arlington National Cemetery has purged its website of pages about notable Black, Hispanic and women veterans, as well as ...