Shourie’s latest book on Savarkar relies heavily on verbatim reproductions, failing to provide fresh insights or challenge ...
Righting Wrongs - Three decades on the front lines battling abusive governments, by Kenneth Roth, Penguin Random House."People, of course, want human rights, at least for themselves." So begins ...
One of the funniest tropes to make a wrestler look dumb is the audience seeing them get manipulated on screen, but the talent ...
With a little culinary prowess, a humble bologna sandwich can be flavorful, texturally complex, and satisfying. Here's how to ...
Man's most controversial live-action stories, but they might be surprised to find it unleashed the perfect Sinister Six. When ...
Canseco, the outcast among the group of player witnesses, took his seat on one end of the oblong table, while his attorney ...