In today's Dear Annie column, Annie hears from a parent who has had enough of the younger sibling of her son's friend always ...
Big Kids Need a Break Dear Big Kids: You’re absolutely right. Ashley and Ben, though older, are just kids, too; it’s important for them to be able to spend time together without the added ...
DEAR ABBY: I’m a single parent, and my kids' grandfather (my father-in-law) has offered to watch them at his house once a week. I would love to take him up on it because it would help me keep up ...
Dear Abby: I have been married for 27 years ... I consider his behavior emotionally abusive. I hate my home. My kids (22, 19 and 17) don’t want me to leave him. I live in my bedroom all day ...
Squeezed onto the express like silent sardines, adopting a barber and more reader tales of New York City in this week’s Metropolitan Diary. Dear Diary: It was June 2016, and I was on my way to ...