The best food sources in Minecraft are those that are easily obtained and provide the most hunger points and saturation. Chorus Fruit found in The End is a valuable food source that randomly teleports ...
What are the best Minecraft mods ... Brush away the dirt and you can find a unique new enchantment, including tunneling, which allows you to dig two blocks at a time. There’s so much more ...
Note: updated post on March 6, 2024, to include details about the new Minecraft game drops. From the past year’s Minecraft Live event 2024, Mojang Studios has officially scrapped the yearly game ...
Gravel is one of the most useful blocks in Minecraft. It’s used in multiple crafting recipes, such as colored concrete, TNT, and course dirt. It’s one of those blocks, then, that you tend to ...
Command block is an extremely powerful Minecraft block that allows you to input commands in it and execute them under various different conditions. The conditions can be that it will only activate ...