The example chart below comes from Google Finance: Looking at a stock chart is one of the easiest ways to get a sense for how ...
Different types of graph have different uses. A line graph shows how data changes over time. For example, how the volume of traffic changes over a day so you can see the busiest times. A bar chart ...
In my version of Excel on Windows, the default gap width is 219%, which means the gaps are over two times the width of the columns. This doesn't look quite right to me, which is w ...
Note how the total adds up to 100%. Bar charts and line graphs can be combined. Climate graphs are an example of this. The x-axis shows the months of the year and there are two y-axes to show ...
Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and ...