CEK FAKTA - Dugaan korupsi PT Antam mencapai Rp 5,9 kudriliun. Informasi tersebut disebar di media sosial TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM - Cek fakta . Dugaan korupsi PT Antam telah merugikan negara sebanyak 5,9 ...
Nama Nabi Musa AS disebutkan tidak kurang dari 136 kali di dalam Al-Qur'an. Setiap ayat di dalam Al-Qur'an menceritakan tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Oleh karena itu, Al ...
Google's infusion of its Gemini AI across its services continues with Google Calendar. As someone who often relies on that calendar to ensure I get where I need to be on time, I was intrigued ...
Google's Gemini Assistant for Calendar is only available on the desktop version of the Google Calendar at present, with the Gemini icon next to "grid" app selection tool in the top-right corner of ...
Di balik peranannya yang krusial bagi tubuh, berikut beberapa fakta menarik tentang otak manusia yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui. 1. Otak adalah organ paling berlemak di tubuh Melansir dari ...
Namun, selain tampilannya yang cantik, kucing calico juga memiliki sejumlah fakta menarik, mulai dari genetika hingga mitos keberuntungan yang melekat padanya. Sekitar 99,9 persen kucing calico adalah ...
The recap adds that Gemini Apps are now powered by Gemini Flash 2.0, Google’s latest small on-device AI model, bringing “improved performance and better advanced reasoning capabilities with ...
Table of Contents Astra features: Gemini Live Video and screen sharing Gemini Live can now read files, documents, and images New features for Google Home: Gemini Routines The future of AI is ...
I’ve been using Gemini for a while now, and one of the best features it has to offer is Gems. I have a few of them set up and use them daily to get stuff done faster or to ease my mind when life ...
DeepSeek and Gemini can both summarize, but DeepSeek is more readable. Tested with the prompt "Give me the summary of recent AI innovations in 150 characters," DeepSeek returned key findings as ...
Gemini, Google's AI chatbot running the 2.0 Flash model, is well equipped to handle complex conversations, generate instant images ("I need a picture of a guy working on the weekend on his ...