Montana landowners have not been required to have a license to kill wolves attacking livestock, pets or threatening humans ...
Laws and regulations adopted by Montana and Idaho lawmakers to reduce wolf populations were "at odds with modern professional ...
A combination of water resources and dedicated people have succeeded in helping lake sturgeon thrive while they have failed ...
The two bills heard in committee to reduce wolf populations by relaxing hunting rules follow up on legislation passed in 2021 that directed the FWP commission to reduce wolf populations “to a ...
Two bills have already been introduced stemming from Sublette County’s infamous animal torture incident. More are likely ...
Lawmakers unanimously advanced a bill that would outlaw torturing wolves and other predators Tuesday. But some Wyomingites ...
The humble sandeel has made headlines after Britain and the EU butt heads over its protection. Why is this creature causing such controversy?
In response to the abuse of a wolf near Daniel last year, Wyoming aims to outlaw allowing animals to suffer. Some retired ...
Glenn Elzinga, CEO and co-founder of Alderspring Ranch, knew life as a cattle rancher was going to change when he heard about ...
Eater Vegas’s Editor dines out several times a week — if not per day, which means frequent encounters with standout dishes ...
After bursting on the scene as Friday Night Lights ’ hellraising fullback Tim Riggins, Taylor Kitsch tried the fast lane to ...
Wolf reintroduction and management issues, threats to lynx habitat, and mountain lion harvest limit reductions have been ...