In 2024, Harry Potter publisher Scholastic announced its intention to hire a new illustrator for The Goblet of Fire. It's ...
In late February, Lithgow made news when he told ScreenRant that he would be taking on the role of Dumbledore in the forthcoming HBO series version of Harry Potter ... the Hope Diamond in my ...
But I’m very excited. Some wonderful people are turning their attention back to Harry Potter. That’s why it’s been such a hard decision. I’ll be about 87 years old at the wrap party ...
The post included a collage featuring inspirational quotes, paintings of herself and Harry and As Ever branded labels. The labels appear to read 'raspberry spread', with the business set to sell ...
The Harry Potter eyeshadow palettes we’ve obsessed ... With 12 mesmerizing shades, the kit retails for $52 plus shipping. And that’s a pretty magical deal if you ask us.