LERONE MARTIN: He's known as the Happy Am I preacher, so he has this kind of charisma, smiling, very happy. My name is Dr. Lerone Martin, and I am the director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research ...
Before Civil Rights activist Dave Dennis participated and then helped plan Mississippi’s famous Summer of Freedom in 1964, the Shreveport native learned from local elders that spurred the movement ...
Art Broady’s free presentation, "The Dream … We Almost Never Heard," will be at noon Sunday, March 16, at First ...
Brown Chapel A.M.E Church in Selma, Alabama, a pivotal location during the civil rights movement, is undergoing a $1 million ...
"Go home or go to your church. This march will not continue ... the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "How Long, Not Long" speech. Civil rights veteran Bernard Lafayette says ultimately ...
Local artworks of the iconic Red Church (St. James’ Episcopal Church), on display at the Sonora Chamber of Commerce. Opening reception Saturday, March 8th, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Display is open ...
Depicting Christ in majesty, the mural was added to the church around 1882. Over the years, the varnish had yellowed and the mural became dingy and hard to see. The extensive restoration included ...
A tale of good versus evil played out on the large screen in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Finland. Jesus was shown in robes with long hair and a beard, while Satan was dressed ...
Amid the boiling national debate about how best to care for displaced populations, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints posted a YouTube video this week featuring its most famous ...
The station became a historical landmark in 1961 after Freedom Riders were attacked there by white supremacists during the civil rights movement. The administration had said it was seeking to ...
ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--One of Atlanta’s most cherished live music venues is getting a new name, as Synovus Bank becomes the naming rights partner ... has hosted iconic artists across every ...
Mr Fubler then joined others at Wesley Methodist Church on Church Street in Hamilton ... The celebration ended with a rendition of the iconic civil rights song We Shall Overcome, which was ...