Accra, March 14, GNA – Ghana, the second leading Cocoa producer in the world, is ready to share her experience and expertise in the production of the cash crop with her West African neighbour, Liberia ...
Ejisu (Ash), March 14, GNA – Executives within the Hotspot Intervention Areas (HIAs) under the Ghana Cocoa Forest REDD+ Programme, have built their capacities to drive collaborative multi-stakeholder ...
The Lord Chamberlain's Office produces definitive guidelines on the use of the Royal Arms, Royal Devices, Emblems and Titles and of photographs, portraits, engravings, effigies and busts of The Queen ...
Cocoa prices have recently reached record highs, plunging the cocoa sector into disarray and damaging the financial outlook for large-scale manufacturers. Such cataclysmic price increases are often ...
Booming cocoa prices are stirring interest in turning Nigeria into a bigger player in the sector, with hopes of challenging top producers, Ivory Coast and Ghana, where crops have been ravaged by ...
When I received the news of the death of an old family friend this week I felt drawn to the cemetery. It had been a swelteringly hot week and even at six in the morning the thermometer was in the mid ...
Brunt, A. A., and Wharton, A. L., Proc. Sixth Com. Mycol. Conf., London, 1960, p. 148 (1961). Archibald, J. F., Nature, 190, 284 (1961).
The Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) has sparked outrage by announcing plans to remove 1208 trees from the Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule Udyan, a well-maintained garden on Kanakia Road ...
Dr. Osei Okrah announced that the US$220 million credit facility will be disbursed between TCDA and the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), with US$100 million allocated to TCDA and US$120 million to ...
Ghana’s cocoa is under siege as illegal small-scale mining, felling of timber and sand mining activities have destroyed 30,000 hectares of cocoa farms nationwide as of December 2024. Dr Randy ...