New research shows how a specially trained population of immune cells keeps the peace by preventing other immune cells from attacking their own. The study provides a better understanding of immune ...
The use of technicians to assist in delivering dialysis to the end-stage kidney disease population has been a recognized role ...
Despite the significant advances in poultry or waterfowl production in recent years, infectious diseases (including viral and bacterial) remain the greatest ...
RVN, GradDipVN, discusses the growing importance of infection prevention in animal care, tackling antimicrobial resistance, hand hygiene, and adapting human health care protocols.
The government’s decision to abolish NHS England could have ‘significant implications’ for the training of healthcare workers ...
Effective prevention and control of infection must be part of everyday practice and be ... specific requirements for higher risk procedures staff training requirements and frequency of training ...
Technically speaking, bladder infections and UTIs are not the same. A bladder infection is a type of UTI, but not every UTI is a bladder infection. As the name suggests, a UTI affects your urinary ...
Our team supports research in Infectious Diseases involving patients and healthy volunteers at University College London and NHS Trusts in North Central and East London. We support Principle ...
doi:10.2337/dc25-S012 MedlinePlus. Fungal nail infection. MedlinePlus. Athlete's foot. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Nail fungus: who gets and causes. Centers for Disease Control and ...
Staphylococcal (staph) infection is caused when bacteria called Staphyloccocus ... Waltham, MA: UpToDate. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus ...