Amid the turbulent 1960s counterculture and musical radicalism, some saw the psychedelic era as a means to find new ways of expressing their Christian faith.
Teachers, parents, and pastors are mounting a mass resistance against Ryan Walters’s mandate requiring that public school ...
Believers like Garry Tan are flipping the script in the venture capital world, making faith matter just as much as the ...
My answer to that question is yes and no. Yes, it was unique, in the sense that the Son of God took our humanity to himself in Jesus of Nazareth, once and for all ... The most effective preaching ...
When Jesus began his ministry in Nazareth, he came to the synagogue and announced his strategy for mission. What was the strategy? He is going to preach the good news to the poor, and to release those ...
In 1970, he was an evangelically committed Anglican priest, preparing students to faithfully preach and teach the doctrines of ... life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Harpur, there is ...
Jesus was not a white European-looking man, God has no problem with interracial marriage, and Latter-day Saints should ...
In the 19th-century, Harriet Livermore boldly defended a women’s right to speak in the church and pulpit.