A new poll reveals North Carolinians’ views on President Donald Trump, billionaire Elon Musk and their work to cut jobs and ...
The poll also looked at Gov. Josh Stein’s approval rating and found that a majority of North Carolinians oppose gun ...
The prominent North Carolina Republican announced his resignation from the Senate on Tuesday via a news release, citing his ...
The focus group participants, some of whom backed Joe Biden in 2020, also criticized the Democratic Party and weighed in on ...
"If he delivers on a pro-growth agenda with rising pay and falling inflation, the tide of economic optimism will lift the GOP ...
Grantees were told that diversity, equity and inclusion studies "are often used to support unlawful discrimination on the ...
With thousands of federal employees out of a job after President Donald Trump and his billionaire adviser Elon Musk’s slashing of the workforce, North Carolina could be a softer place to land.
Police in Asheville, North Carolina, are debunking information about fentanyl-laced flowers being placed on cars.
About 250 postal employees and supporters in downtown Raleigh on Sunday protested cost-cutting moves being considered by the Trump administration.
The strategy for many organizations, if they want to stay in business, is to keep quiet and stay off the radar of the Trump ...
While able to carry more than 15,000 containers, the ZIM Mount Ranier will have to come in light due to Wilmington only ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Energy-efficient affordable housing, support for local farmers, air pollution monitoring, and other community-based projects have been left in “limbo” by the Trump ...