It’s been a season of firsts for Pequea Valley’s girls basketball team. Earlier this winter, the Braves captured a Lancaster-Lebanon League section championship for the first time in program ...
The Kallang Alive Masterplan is set to transform one of Singapore’s most iconic districts into a vibrant hub for sports, recreation, and culture. This ambitious project blends modern design with the ...
Hidden away from most residents is the North Apple Valley Industrial Specific Plan area where work is about to begin on a large warehouse distribution center. Loctek designs and manufactures ...
Jason Tasse, the president and chief operating officer of Ottawa’s Lee Valley Tools ... Tasse observed in an interview. “You can plan effectively in a stable environment, but, in a volatile ...
An avalanche of public opposition brings rejection of Las Vegas businessman Peter Cimino’s economic development plan for Golden Valley. Some two dozen speakers spent nearly an hour speaking ...
today announced the successful launch of the Evolve Compensation Plan and other LV360 initiatives into the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The transition went into effect in these ...
A developer seeking to build upscale 55-plus housing in Frazer is expected to present its plan Tuesday. Foxlane Homes is scheduled to have a conditional use hearing at the start of the township ...
The much-anticipated master plan for the Dharavi redevelopment project is expected to be ready within a month as authorities conduct surveys for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of one of the ...
Residents may share their opinions and offer new ideas for the Visualize Jefferson County Master Plan at two upcoming open houses. The first open house will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5 ...