Let's face it, all dogs have silly things they are afraid of, and it's funny to see their reactions to those things. Our Pit ...
Common sense and responsible ownership can prevent attacks, but there are certain breeds that are more likely to be aggressive towards people than others, according to a study ...
Some residents of the Macomb County Animal Control shelter were hoping for a little bit of Irish luck Saturday at the shelter ...
Around 25 per cent of adults in Scotland own a dog, according to Statista, but the responsibility does not come without its challenges. In 2023–2024, 1,105 people in Scotland were admitted to hospital ...
A study has found a number of dog breeds are more likely to show aggression to humans - but add that the pooch's experience remains the leading cause of any dangerous behaviour ...
Mixed breeds were found to exhibit aggressive ... making the data similar to that of Pit Bulls. In 2019, Mastiff-types were responsible for one fatality in the US. Originally bred for fighting ...
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
Ohio's ineffective dog laws failed many lucky enough to survive a mauling. They often result in years of surgeries, PTSD and ...
Mixed breeds accounted for ... Bullmastiffs, and Mastiff mixes. This makes the data comparable to the situation with Pit Bulls. American Bulldogs, originally bred for fighting, also appear on ...