We’re willing to bet the villain Rasputin – who sells his soul to kill the Romanov family in the movie – showed up in your nightmares. Or maybe you know Rasputin from the 1978 hit ...
The documentary film dedicated to the life of Nicholas II and his family was edited from chronicle of 1896-1916 from the funds of The Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive.
The story of the last year and a half of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from the February Revolution of 1917 to their execution in July 1918.
RAPID CITY, S.D. — The story of the Romanov family, whose rule of Russia ended in the 1917 revolution that took their lives, ...
The Romanov family ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917. They ascended the throne at the end of one of the most critical periods of Russian history, known as the Time of Troubles (1589 Ü 1613).