The new show, which introduces us to a different take on Peter Parker, deftly straddles the line between kiddie fun and ...
“Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man” is set in an alternate timeline within the MCU’s multiverse. This allows the series to explore Peter Parker’s origin story without being constrained by the ...
Curious about the nearly 80 suits that'll feature in Spider-Man 2's PC release? Here's a list of all of the costumes for both Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
Ned Leeds remains Peter Parker’s loyal best friend in the MCU, but the possibility of him becoming the Hobgoblin is an ...
Here's what you need to know to keep the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man canon straight -- and how it lines up with the MCU.
Man’s placement in the endless web known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, executive producer Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt said ...
The first two episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man feature some very cool Easter eggs and references to Peter ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man showrunner Jeff Trammell has revealed scrapped plans for a de-aged Jessica Jones to ...
2025 is a big year for the MCU and things kicked off today (Jan. 29) with the two-episode premiere of "Your Friendly ...
Thanks to Tufts researchers, there’s now a solution that shoots, solidifies and even picks up objects. Alas, you can’t use it ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man ( YFNSM) has finally made its debut on Disney Plus. The first two episodes of the ...